Tractors, Nice 1929 Model A,  Ford Ranger, Farm Equipment | Paris, OH | KIKO Auctions and Auctioneers
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 Tractors, Nice 1929 Model A,  Ford Ranger, Farm Equipment

Saturday, October 12, 2024 - 10:00 AM
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Robert Gorrell Live Auction
John Deere & Massey Ferguson Tractors, Nice 1929 Model A, 2005 Ford 4X4 Ranger & Dually, LS Tractor 4WD With Loader, Farm Equipment, Tools, Etc.
Absolute auction, all sells to the highest bidder on location
2260 Paris Ave. SE, Paris, OH 44669
Directions: US Rt. 30 west of Minerva or east of Robertsville to Paris Ave. and north to farm. Watch for KIKO signs.
Real sharp 1929 Model A with rumble seat; 2005 one-owner Ford XLT 4X4 Ranger with less than 20K miles; 1993 Ford XLT 350 with slide-in dump bed, ext. cab; JD 4020 gas, NF, rops, 18.4X34, sharp, 2411 hrs; JD 2010, 4093 hrs., gas 3 pt WF utility; like-new MF 261 diesel, rops, 761 hrs, 4 sp Hi/Lo excellent; nice Farmall “H” tractor; NH 630 4X4 belt round baler, very good; one-owner Krone 3 pt. 7’ AM243-S disc mower, very good; Int. GD 3 beater manure spreader, excellent; 2-star pull-type tedder, one owner; Stirex 3 pt 4-wheel hay rake, very good; 3 pt. 6’ double disc; springtooth harrow; 3 pt. 6’ & 5’ brush hogs; 3 pt 2B plow; 3 pt bale spear; slip scoop; 16’ 2-axle ball hitch trailer with beavertail; 8’ ball-hitch trailer; homemade round bale wagon; flatbed wagon; Int. rollabar hay rake; Quality 10’ utility trailer with drop gate; 3 pt. sub soiler; 3 pt. back blade; 3 pt. post-hole drill

Also Selling. 2022 LS MT 2253 tractor, 115 hrs, equipped with LL2300 loader with quick tach bucket, R14 tires, 4WD, hydro. trans; 2001 Woods mowing machine 6215, 61” front deck, 21 HP, 3 cyl Kubota, diesel, hydro, PS, 504 hrs

Shop Tools, Tiller, Saws. Stihl pole saw; Stihl MS181, 012AU, 041AU chainsaws and others; large pile of split firewood; good stack of cherry rough-cut lumber; 2 Craftsman stack toolboxes; Lincoln 225 welder; Troy-Bilt 8 HP WB tiller; Stihl WB tiller; miter saw; power chop saw; band saw; drill press; small table saw; bench grinder; acetylene outfit; small wood lathe; 3 pt. PTO buzz saw; RR & handyman jacks; vise; DR 3 pt PTO chipper shredder very good; (2) antique WB rototillers; 4 X 16 grain auger; Torpedo heater; wheel/belt sander; pipe wrenches; chains; hand and garden tools; milk cans; runner sled; wood chicken crates; shop cart; hand corn sheller; miter saw; Lawn Boy mower; potato plow; ladders; cement mixer; hog crate and 2-hole feeder; large older chest freezer; 24 X 4 deep round swimming pool with like-new heater; furniture dolly; old Ehakaefer Mercury snowmobile; hand cultivator; hyd. wood splitter; grass catcher; alum. truck toolbox; 2100 PSI power washer; DR WB snowblower; DR rotary mower; Simplicity WB rot. Mower with sulky and plow attachment; planter jr.; copper kettle; barn lanterns. Loads of misc. items. Clean sale. Preview: Friday, Oct 11, 2024, 3:00-5:00 PM or sale morning.
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Driver’s license or State ID required to register for bidder number. Cash, Check, Debit Card, Visa, or Master Card accepted. 4% buyer’s premium on all sales; 4% waived for cash or check when paid sale day. Information is believed to be accurate but not guaranteed. Multi Par auction process may be used.
Auction By Order Of
Debra Gorrell POA for Robert Gorrell
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Russell T. Kiko Jr., C.A.I.
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