Antique Collectibles Auction – Online Only
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Antique Lamps, Toys, Glass, Pottery, Advertising Signs, Coin-Op Items, Cameras, Stoneware, Watches, Comic Books

Starts: Thursday, February 13, 2025 - 2:00 PM
Ends: Tuesday, February 18, 2025 - 2:00 PM
Absolute auction, all sells to the highest bidders online only.
7840 Lincoln St. SE, East Canton, OH 44730
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Online Only
Antique Lamps, Toys, Glass, Pottery, Advertising Signs, Coin-Op Items, Cameras, Stoneware, Watches, Comic Books
Preview Date: Friday - February 14, 2025 – 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Pickup Date: Friday - February 21, 2025 – 10:00 AM - 12:30 AM

Antiques & Collectibles. Slag Glass Lamp; Early Phoenix Glass Lamp Base; Rockdale Crock; Early Porcelain Double Sided Flange Phone Sign; Vintage Ex-Lax Thermometer; Fiberglass Coca-Cola Button Sign; Coca-Cola Thermometer; WMMS 101 Buzzard Metal Sign; WMMS Cereal Box; Rare Advertising Bing-A-Gong Kids Shopping Cart Toy 20" Tall; Rare “The Pyrexette” Pyrex Children's Set Bowls In Box; Marx Pressed Steel Pan American World Airways Airplane; Cigarette Gambling Device; WWII German Military Helmet; VFW Sandusky, Ohio Doughboy Helmet; Hamilton Beach Milkshake Mixer; Gilchrist Milkshake Mixer; Vintage Coin-op Delicious Chewing Gum Dispenser Machine W/ Key; Vintage Football Coin-op 1 cent Game Arcade W/ Key Working; Vintage Baseball Coin-op 1 Cent Game Arcade w/ Key Working; Wolverine Tin Litho Ski Jumper; Utilizar Store Display Sign; Early 1919 Anheuser Busch Dr. Stork Tin On Cardboard Sign Budweiser; Vintage Lunch Boxes; Games; Wacky Wobblers; Vintage Atari Pac-Man Game Sealed; Peter Pan Peanut Butter Sample Tin; Rare St. Theresa A Jesu Infante Relic Reliquary Tin Case; Blue Decorated Stebner, Hartville, Ohio Stoneware Crocks; Jadeite Glass Lamps Hand Decorated; Imperial Glass Oil Lamps; Fenton Pillar Cranberry Lamps; Ohio State All-Star Signed Footballs; MCM Lamps; MCM Pottery; Early Gorgeous Hand Painted Lamp Lady On Stairs; Vintage Light Up Santa Claus; Carnival Glass Imperial; Fenton; Summit; Indiana; Early Metal Aladdin Lamps Reverse Painted Shade; Early Oil On Canvas Painting V Bianchini - 34" x 44”; True Magazines; Vintage Light Fixtures; World's Greatest Literature Books; Vintage Modern Eloquence Books; Paper Items; Anime Figures Rising Stars; Kabuki; Records; Esquire Magazines; Beer Signs; Early Salt Glaze Crock Heavy Blue Decorated; Vintage Watch Movements Bulova Hamilton Omega; Early Felix The Cat Toy; Machinist Tools; Laptop Computers; International Time Clock; Paymaster; Yamaha Keyboard; Buick Hook Rugs; Military Items; (4) Vintage Star Wars Posters; Early Magic Lantern Slides; President Bush Signed Items; Reagan; Art Nouveau Statues; Large Disney Statues Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Scrooge McDuck; Bark River Sheath Knife; Fenton Glass; US Silver Coins; Lladros; (2) Large Beer Displays; Royal Doulton Toby Mugs; Franklin Mint Diecast Cars; Prison Folk Art Popsicle Sticks Lamp; Timberland Boots; CorningWare; Oak Kitchen Clock; RC Cola Clock; Fenton Blue Opalescent Epergne; Art Glass; Bohemian Cut Glass; Vintage Christmas Decor; Hot Wheels Cars; Costume Jewelry; Early 1885 Stanley London Telescope; Vintage Paperback Books; Cleveland Indians Bobbleheads Programs; Blue Ridge Pottery; Vintage Comic Books; Chopper Magazines; Designer Purses; Model Kits, Heavy Metal Magazines; Labatt’s Blue Hockey Jerseys; Jintte Hawaiian Dress; Spongeware; Bass & Co. Beer Sign; David Winters Cottage Castles; Vintage Barbie Ken Dolls; Copeland Spode Butter Cup Dishes; MCM Swanky Swigs; Vintage KB Italy Italian Pottery Sculpture Cat Kittens Figure; Early Roseville Pottery; Early The Ransbottom Brothers Pottery Co., Roseville, Ohio Pitcher Stoneware Crock; Vintage Face Jugs; Stelvia Italy Art Glass; Bride's Baskets; Franklin Mint Mini Teapots; Cupid Plates Chargers; Italian Art Pottery Vases; Sigma The Tastesetter Room service Doug Wilson; MCM Jaru Figures; Sewer Tile Dog; Vintage Yixing Chinese Redware Pottery Bird Peacock; Bavaria Game Plates German Elk; Pheasant; Deer; Birds; Fire King Danish Modern Dish Dorothy Thorpe; Red Wing Pottery Lotus Stretch Pitcher; MCM Red Wing Pottery; Mary's Moo Moos Cows Figures; Federal Coffee Cups; Black Amethyst; Pink Akro Agate; Glass Ashtrays; Advertising Ashtrays; Collector Plates; Mosser; Schmidt; Pickard; Looney Tunes; B&G Royal Copenhagen Plates; Canister Set; Lepper Library Lisbon Dishes; MCM Rodney Kent; Glasbake, Irvinware; Rosenthal Netter MCM Italy Pottery; Vintage GI Joe Vehicles Figures Accessories; Transformer Maximus Prime.

Cameras. Kodak; Petri; Mamiya; Minolta; Canon; Olympus; Pentax; Seneca, Konica; Contaflex; Nikon; Ikoflex; Yashica; Brownie; Argus; Exakta; Fujica; Digital; Conley; Tamron; Graflex; Various Lenses.

Note: Nice clean auction from start to finish. All one level for easy loading and plenty of parking at the storage unit facility. Continue to follow the website as lots are added.
Chattel Terms
Visa, MasterCard & Wire Transfer accepted. Wire Transfer required on purchases totaling $2,500 or greater. 15% buyer’s premium on all sales. Information is believed to be accurate but not guaranteed. Multi Par auction process may be used. All applicable sales tax will be added to the purchase price of all purchases deemed taxable in accordance with Federal, State and/or Local Laws. For 3rd party shipping, email your Proxibid invoice to or call 330-334-9999 ext. 9. The total fee for shipping, packaging, and pickup is an estimated $40 minimum, so please bid accordingly. Shipment of ammunition or currency may incur an additional charge.
Auction Team
Jack W Kiko
Jack W Kiko,
330-455-9357 ext 163
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